Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Getting Sick


I remember when life got better when I got sick.  I would get to watch game shows in the morning (what happened to those?) and then I would watch soaps with my Mom in the afternoon.  My Mom would make me soup or a sandwich and it was so comforting.  (My mother does not watch soaps anymore (what happened to those?) and did 52 Hail Mary's in repentance)  

In high school, depending on the social calendar, I enjoyed a day off or two.  I oftened planned those around activities and tests.  I was a nerd and being sick wasn't as much fun because I hated make-up work.  I actually did the make up work.  I made many mistakes in high school.

In college, I would go to class and then nap.  I hardly ever miss class because as long as I went to class, i didn't have to study much and I could nap.  In college, I often started my papers early (I made many mistakes in college) and so I could take a couple of days off and get better.  I would curl up with a book and hot chocolate and get better.  It was especially nice when I would not have a roommate.

Now I have to plan my sickness.  I am coming down with a cold.  Nothing is worse when you start feeling a tickle in my throat, an itch in my ear, a fulness in my sinuses and you start to feel sluggish.  When I start feeling this way, I think about my week.  I can't rest today because I have ballet, soccer, and two gym classes with PTO.  Wednesday I have soccer practice, singing practice for church and book group.  I am also meeting a designer for Kevin's building.  Thursday I have Bunko.  So I can be sick on Friday.  I am hoping Kevin can come home early and I can go to bed.  Until then, I am drinking half a bottle of children's Tylenol at a time.  I have no adult meds.  For those, I have to show my ID.  I can buy 15 bottles of children's Tylenol with nothing going on.  So I give some to the kid's and then take a few slugs myself (everyone has the weather changing runny nose).  I really wish they still had alcohol in them.

In addition to figuring out free time in my schedule to be sick, I have to figure out if I have time after being sick to fix what happened while I checked out.  It is 50-50 if my husband will watch the kids and clean up.  So I need to be able to be sick, then clean, do laundry, and the dishes.  Is it worth the nap?  Not all the time.  I need to hire someone to come to my house, tuck me into bed, give me soup and put a damp cloth on my head, while yelling at my children to pick up after themselves.  I checked the want ads today.  There are many daycares with openings but nobody meeting my requirements.  It's enough to make a person sick.

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