Thursday, October 8, 2009


OK. So the best thing I did was tell everyone I have ever met that I am running a half marathon. It gets me to the gym when I would rather sleep. It gets me to the gym when I would rather eat. It gets me to the gym when I would rather read, watch television, or even, heaven help us all, cook. I really hate going to the gym and I really hate running. I now run 5 minutes, walk 2 and repeat 4 times. Next week I run 7 walk 2 and repeat 3 times. And then in 2 more weeks, I will be running 30 minutes at a time and then I work on distance. I am not often in pain, surprisingly. I have actually started this goal realistically and slowly instead of trying to run 30 minutes after sitting for 15 years.

But the thought that people will be asking me how I am doing has got me to do things I normally would not. So I have decided to tell all my goals so I could stay motivated. Here goes:
1. I have a goal to cook. (Not regularly exactly, more just in general) (perhaps this could just apply to my appearance instead of actual preparation of food.)
2. I have a goal to be more patient with my children. (I was sick last week at the same time my children were... so I think I will also count if I AM A patient with my children.)
3. I have a goal to shower every day. (If I go out in the rain or snow, it counts.)
4. I have a goal to bathe my children regularly. (See previous goal)
5. I have a goal to read the Ensign monthly. (Or to at least have it out of the plastic.)
6. I have a goal to make a vision board that my friend Kelly told me about. (I think I may actually do this one as stated...)
7. I have a goal to sleep at night. (without getting addicted to Tylenol PM which is often how I get to sleep right now. I have put a pen and paper next to my bed to write down thoughts... I have used sleep machines... I have gone to bed earlier... I have tried to read to sleep... I have tried to meditate to sleep... I have tried exercising before bed to sleep... shall I go on?)
8. I have a goal to make less lists in my blogging.
9. I have a goal to scrapbook my children's books before I die. (Can't really narrow the time down more than that.)
10. I have a goal to go to book group and knitting every wednesday. until I can't.

So there they are. My goals are out in the universe and I must be accountable for them. Unless I decided I have accomplished them and can now move on. Like organizing. We are going to do some remodeling and I will have to pack up my kitchen and living room so I see no reason to organize right now when in May I will be going through everything. I am really good at making goals and then making new goals that make previous goals a waste of time. If you need this ability, I am available at $35/hr. And I am available at all hours now because I can't sleep...


Heidi said...

I love that the shower is counted if you go out in the rain or snow!! If you lived here you'd still have to shower = no rain or snow! I also love that you have decided to cook. That's funny! Thanks for the laugh. BTW I like lists on the blog.

Annie said...

I'm going to do this too! I can shower outside in the snow and that will cut down on my kids' Dora time too! Cleaner and a better mom!!!!!