Friday, March 27, 2009

How TWILIGHT has Changed My Life by Marianne

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1. I watched the DVD and I think I can act now. If I am correct, I need to flutter my eyes, bite my lip and stutter. I'm going to do that for the rest of the day and see what people's reactions are.

2. It brought me back to my high school days and my desire to have my high school body so I put a picture of the cast on my fridge to remind me that if they don't eat, I won't either. Of course, my high school body didn't have three scars across the abdomen from three c-sections and I believe my hair was fuller and curlier and other parts of my body are not as "perky" as before but I'm sure none of that will matter.

3. I've asked Kevin to only talk to me with a British accent. This really has nothing to do with Twilight, but it happened at the same time. Those of you who know him, know what an utter rebel he is, and he has yet to acquiesce.

4. I've been thinking of becoming a vegetarian again. Or to follow the Atkins diet. I can't decide which type of vampire I am.

5. I have decided to only wear old bowling shirts.

6. I've decided to get contacts. Clear ones, but still...

I would now like to hear how others have been affected by this "full-blown pop culture phenomenon."
PS. The next entry will be the book review for SECRETS. I know you are as excited about it as I am

1 comment:

dawn inga said...

I watched Twilight on opening night (along with half of Kauai High School.) And between all the screaming and giggling it was hard to hear - and the teenagers were pretty noisy, too. But I did ask Jeff to start wearing white makeup and red lipstick. He must be part of the same club that Kevin is in. Is it too much to ask for them to give a little?